I am Daniel Sian, a post-production artist based in New Zealand with over 15 years of experience and working for clients worldwide.
With a keen eye for detail, in my studio, I'm constantly in pursuit of image perfection (or should I say 'imperfection' when it comes to CGI!), producing visually appealing content for both still and animated media.
Each project is carefully developed in close collaboration with artists, creatives, and clients to push the boundaries of post-production to the next level, always striving for a cutting-edge result.
My expertise in CGI and retouching, along with art direction crafted over years working with talented people, allows me to provide local and global brands with creative and artistic solutions, helping them communicate their ideas in clear and concise ways at award-winning standards.
Here you will find all the channels to get in touch with me. If you need assistance with your project, drop me a line in the form below.
You can also reach me by email, telephone, WhatsApp or my social media.
Tel. +64 21 149 3524
[email protected]